Frequently Asked Questions

What do we repair?
We repair washing machines and dishwashers.

Do we install new appliances?

Do we repair all brands?
We only repair selected brands, those we are service agents for.

What brands do we repair?
We repair Miele, Bosch, Asko, Smeg, and NEFF.

Do we sell parts?
We do not sell parts.

What is our service area?
Our service areas include Axedale, Ascot, Bendigo, California Gully, Eaglehawk, Epsom, Flora Hill, Golden Square, Huntly, Ironbark, Jackass Flat, Junortoun, Kangaroo Flat, Kennington, Lockwood, Long Gully, Longlea, Maiden Gully, Mandurang, Marong, Myers Flat, Quarry Hill, Spring Gully, Strathdale, Strathfieldsaye, White Hills.

Do we travel to Castlemaine?
We travel to the area less frequently. We can add you to our list and notify you when we have availability.
There is a travel charge of $50 for Castlemaine and surrounding areas.

Do we do fridge repairs?
No, we do not repair fridges.

My appliance is in warranty, what do I do?
Miele : message us using the Contact Form.
Asko : contact Asko to log your job and they will refer the job to us.
Bosch : contact Bosch to log your job and they will refer the job to us.

My appliance is in extended warranty?
If you appliance is in it’s extended warranty time please contact the retailer where you purchased it.

Do we repair vacuums?
No, we do not repair vacuums.